Reference -by Greg Rennie
Name: Jonathan Captanis
Address:(Please ask me)
Telephone:(Please ask me)
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Webpage: Http://
Date of Birth:10th of August, 1983.
Marital Status:Single
(Please ask me)
Subjects Studied:
- Advanced Mathematics, Science and English.
- Computer Studies-Accelerated(Year 10 course)
- History, Visual Arts and Wood Technics
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education.
Employer:Macrotech Business Solutions (Internet Service Provider)
Position:Computer Technician, Internet/Computer Sales Assistant
Duties:Setting up Win 95 computers for Internet Access and giving tutorials on how to to use the Internet, answered questions on Internet Troubleshooting, assistant to the Macrotech National Sales and Marketing manager sell the Internet to potential customers.
Employer:S & M Maintenance Pty Ltd, Cronulla Computer Training, Ideal Painting Services
Duties:Creating, designing and launching webpages with raw HTML, JAVA, javascript, image and graphics creation and processing.
Employer:Computing Success
Position:Assistant Computer Technician
Duties:Hardware/Software maintenance-analysing and solving problems with computer systems for customers.
Employer: Crean Trolley Services
Position:Trolley Collector and Junior Supervisor
Duties:Collected shopping trolleys from around Southgate Shopping Centre, responded to calls from the Trolley Tracker Hotline. Supervised and trained the Junior and new Senior Staff.
Employer:Mr Greg Rennie/ Sylvania High School
Position:Computer Technician
- Win95 networking with tcp/ip & ipx/spx protocals and maintenance.
(networking office + cr1 with internet, printer sharing, file sharing)
- High level DOS experience
- Win95/Win3.1 troubleshooting + Internet troubleshooting.
- Experienced in Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, WinWord, Clarisworks + ALL aspects of the
- Software - Hardware maintenance.
- Advanced Web Design with Sylvania High School Website.
- Programming - main field of interest :
- HTML 3.2 - advanced
- JavaScript - intermediate
- JAVA - advanced (Chat'o'Matic, Network Monitor, applets on website)
- BASIC - intermediate
- VB - intermediate (Chat program I made for our Novell Network)
- Developed Network Monitor(c) program in JAVA for networks, which logs users + problems they encountered and uses a server to view workstations status (including current users information)and to receive any new problems that have been encountered.(over 1100's lines + 13 classes)
- Heavily and actively involved in all aspects of Computing within the school, as outlined above and in my reference, this has also involved attending District Meetings of Computing Teachers within the region, as a Staff representative of Sylvania High School.
- Australian Science Competitions and Australian
- Mathematics Competition
- Basketball (Captain of the 1996 School Basketball Team)
- School Musicals (Musical Assistant)
- Orientation for new Year 7 students in 1996, 1997 and 1998 in Computing and Wood Technics.
- Rollerblading and Basketball.
- Have done Taekwon-Do for 2 years, achieved Blue belt.
- Designing Web pages.
- Fishing and bodyboarding.
- Playing Quake and programming.
- Accelerated in Computing Studies.
School:Mr Greg Rennie
Computing Head Teacher
Sylvania High School
(02) 9522-9951
Personal: Mrs Laraine Hardiman
36 Essington Crescent, Sylvania
(02) 9522-7633